So, I decided I'd start up a blog for gpSP development much like StrmnNrmn's blog for Daedalus development. I haven't liked talking publically about development much in the past, but since gpSP has matured a lot and people are more content with it (and hence nagging me a lot less for releases) I figured I'd post things here so I could keep everyone informed and possibly get some feedback/ideas from coders.
I haven't actually had the opportunity to work on anything very much since gpSP 0.9 has been relaesed, due to a lot of work and real life stuff going on, but I hope to be able to pick up again now. The next few posts will start revealing some of the underlying ideas I have for the upcoming version(s).
Feel free to post comments, but try to keep them on topic.
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Hey man,
I'm glad you have a blog now. Its great to see your thoughts on your development. Your emulator is great, thank you for your powerful contribution to the homebrew community!
most ppl agree that gpsp is the best written emu for the psp together with NJs CPS2 and sonys official PSX emulators! so it is fantastic that u started a blog for this fantastic, amazing emulator that we never thought would be possible on the psp :)
Many thanx again for your hard work :)
I'd like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your great emulator. It's been giving me HOURS and HOURS of fun. My only gripe with it is that it doesn't save processor speed for each rom. Some roms run very well on 222 Mhz and some run well only on 333 Mhz; this means one needs to change the processor speed every time a rom is loaded, which is kind of annoying.
Anyway, your emulator is just great and thanks for the time spent!
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